Don't let this happen to you! Post failure means fence failure, and post replacement in older fences can be expensive and sometimes not worth the effort.

Midwest is the only company in the Twin Cities that is taking proactive steps to achieve better results. We expect our posts to last 50% longer than standard. We are the exclusive dealer of the DuraCedar© Posts. These posts have built-in protection to resist post decay and rotting. Your new fence will last longer with these posts!
Thanks to a new natural wood preservative and other strategic installation techniques Midwest can provide the best value for all of our cedar customers. It is the smart choice for a great look and better performance. Ask for DuraCedar© today!
Midwest is the only company in the Twin Cities that is taking proactive steps to achieve better results. We expect our posts to last 50% longer than standard. We are the exclusive dealer of the DuraCedar© Posts. These posts have built-in protection to resist post decay and rotting. Your new fence will last longer with these posts!
Thanks to a new natural wood preservative and other strategic installation techniques Midwest can provide the best value for all of our cedar customers. It is the smart choice for a great look and better performance. Ask for DuraCedar© today!
As always- Free Estimates and no obligation.
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